Corporate liability for crimes against the environment

Parallel to this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, Mazars contributed in a two-day conference on "Legal and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development". On invitation from Ain Shams Law School Cairo, one of the oldest institutes in Egypt, Dr. Oliver Fawzy from our German Forensics Team took the opportunity to discuss the topic of corporate liability for environmental crimes – in financial terms considered as the third largest crime sector in the world.

The event was held under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministries of Education and Justice including partner organizations like United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), International Law Commission of the African Union, International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as Cambridge, McGill and Queen Mary Universities.

More than 300 attendees from academia, legal practice and public prosecution joined and welcomed Oliver’s contribution as an illustrative example of how corporate responsibility and the protection of the environment are inevitably linked to each other.

For more information on how companies should react to the risk of committing environmental crimes, please read our paper “Corporate liability for crimes against the environment – Driving a culture of compliance and sustainability”

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