Implement DORA in a targeted manner and strengthen digital resilience

The European Commission's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has been in force since January 2023. With new, and in some cases more detailed, specifications that go beyond the IT-related supervisory requirements for banking and insurance enterprises (BAIT or VAIT), DORA is expected to help significantly enhance the cybersecurity and digital resilience of European financial companies. It is important for the affected financial companies to take steps now to ensure that the necessary measures are implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Our approach

To best fulfil the DORA requirements, we recommend that you set up a coordinated project for the implementation. This helps company managers ensure that the numerous new or more detailed requirements covering a wide range of issues are implemented in a goal-oriented manner.

Our experts support you in achieving DORA compliance – from the planning and conduct of a detailed gap analysis to the implementation of solutions for identified gaps – if desired, also through an additional project audit.

Our solution

To ensure that everything goes according to plan when implementing all the DORA requirements, we work together with you in four steps to develop tailor-made solutions.


How you benefit

We have a deep understanding of your industry and are always up-to-date on the latest regulatory developments. In interdisciplinary project teams, we work in a close and trusting collaboration with your organisation’s representatives and stakeholders. For a more in-depth examination of international aspects, we draw on the expertise of our experts from over 90 countries worldwide as needed.

  • Customised services: We ensure that our advice best meets your specific needs and develop solutions tailored to your company.
  • Efficient implementation: With our structured four-step approach, we guide you step-by-step toward DORA compliance and ensure a fast and efficient implementation.
  • Digital Resilience: By implementing the DORA requirements, you enhance your company’s cybersecurity and thus its future security and competitiveness.

With Forvis Mazars as a partner, you are well-equipped to meet DORA's requirements and further augment your digital resilience.

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