Trust Services brochures

Have you ever considered establishing a trust to protect and transfer your assets ?

What is a trust?

A trust is a fiduciary arrangement through which a person (the settlor) transfers the legal title of his/her assets to another person or company (the trustee) who/which holds the assets on behalf of the beneficiary/beneficiaries. The legal title of the assets is vested in a trustee while the beneficial ownership is being vested in the beneficiary/beneficiaries. The trustee is responsible for managing and administering those assets in the best interests of the beneficiary/beneficiaries.

Main benefits of a trust

Asset Protection

If the settler gets into financial difficulties, e.g. bankruptcy, divorce, etc., the assets placed in a trust are protected.

Tax Planning

Well structured and administered trust can benefit substantial savings in income tax, capital gains tax, estate duty and inheritance tax.


The details of assets placed under a trust are confidential and can not be disclosed to the public.

Estate Planning

Trust can provide a flexible way to make arrangement for the distribution of the settlor’s assets.


Mazars - Trust brochure
