Press articles

Transfer of companies by succession: a bill without a tax component!

L'Agefi - 21 June 2019

SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy and account for two thirds of all jobs in Switzerland. About 75% of them are family businesses and are particularly concerned by the theme of business succession. (Article in French)

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Mazars strengthens its hybrid strategy

L'Agefi - May 23, 2019

Against the trend of the big 4, the audit and consulting firm Mazars (Switzerland) targets SMEs, VSEs and multinationals. Present in all cantons in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, still with the exception of the Jura. Interview of José Caneda, CEO Mazars Switzerland. (Article in French)

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There is three times more gold on earth than underground

L'Agefi - May 23, 2019

Mazars observes the growing pressure from consumers and NGOs on refiners and watch and jewellery companies on the origin of precious materials. (Article in French)

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Processus crédit: l’inévitable révolution?

L'Agefi - 19 mars 2019

L’octroi de crédit est au cœur du business des banques. À l’heure du tout numérique, instantanéité et agilité sont désormais les maîtres-mots de la qualité de service à laquelle les clients aspirent, notamment sous l’impulsion des Millennials. Pour y faire face, les banques se lancent dans des projets internes et envisagent des alliances avec des partenaires startups spécialisées pour évoluer.

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FinIA and FinSA: the Swiss MiFID II?

L'Agefi - March 14, 2019

The new requirements are intended to be in line with the Directive in force in the European Union. However, several significant gaps remain.

Laurent Jankowiak and Dominique Auduon, Financial Services Advisory, Mazars (article in French)

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Mazars continues to grow in Switzerland

Bilan - February 21, 2019

Mazars, a major player in audit and consulting, closed the 2017/2018 financial year with a 24% increase in turnover for its Swiss entity. (Article in French)

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The financial sector, a major player in corporate social responsibility

Handelszeitung - February 7, 2019

Stefan Müller and Audrey Cauchet, Mazars

Corporate social responsibility: sustainable investment is developed through in-depth dialogue between all stakeholders in the sector (article in German)

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Les rapports financiers destinés aux assurés sont trop complexes

L'Agefi 3 janvier 2019

L’obligation de publication à laquelle sont astreints les assureurs est un exercice à faible valeur ajoutée selon une enquête.

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Taxation of GAFAs: Switzerland does not want to follow France

Le Temps December 3, 2018

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Regulierung bringt keinen Mehrwert

Handelszeitung - 4. Oktober 2018

Angelo Accardi und Emmanuel Moya von Mazars

Eine Studie zeigt: Die von der Finma geforderte Offenlegungspflicht für Versicherer stösst bei der Kundschaft auf ein geringes Echo.

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