Forvis Mazars accredited by the Carbon Fri Foundation to draw up or validate a CO2 balance sheet to obtain the CARBON FRI label

The Carbon Fri Foundation was set up at the beginning of 2018 to encourage companies in Fribourg to reduce their CO2 emissions. To this end, it awards the CARBON FRI label to Fribourg companies that are concerned about their environmental impact and wish to support the Fribourg economy.

Forvis Mazars has just been accredited by the Carbon Fri Foundation, enabling us to support companies in their commitment to reducing carbon emissions, right through to obtaining the label.

We can now draw up or validate a CO2 balance sheet for companies with a view to them obtaining the CARBON FRI label. Obtaining the "CARBON FRI" label is not an obligation, but a voluntary step in response to the energy and environmental problems facing businesses and Switzerland.

The CARBON FRI label, the standard for public contracts

The CARBON FRI label is listed as the standard in the Guide to Public Procurement in French-speaking Switzerland. It is used to obtain four points in the evaluation of bids for public contracts, thanks to the contribution to sustainable development made by labelled companies.

The labelling process opens up tremendous opportunities for SMEs, but also for large companies, by encouraging them to assess and reduce their carbon footprint.

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