Tax | Financial services

Ensure full tax compliance and maximise tax efficiency with our specialised tax services for financial institutions in a complex and evolving industry

Regulatory changes and groundbreaking technologies present both opportunities and challenges in the financial world. As transparency, rising customer expectations, and increased risk awareness reshape the industry, the business environment continues to evolve.

Our approach to financial services tax

Achieving tax compliance and effectively managing tax risks are critical to success. Our dedicated team of tax specialists in the financial services industry provides comprehensive, integrated solutions tailored to the industry's unique needs. With deep tax expertise and extensive industry knowledge, we understand and address each client's unique business needs effectively.

Our tax services for the financial services industry

We offer a comprehensive range of tax services for various types of financial institutions.

Banks, insurance companies and asset management firms

  • Ensuring tax compliance and establishing a tax-efficient corporate structure
  • Providing comprehensive advice and support on domestic, international, transfer pricing, and indirect tax considerations throughout the entire tax lifecycle
  • Delivering services from routine business operations to addressing implications arising from changes in products and offerings, delivery models and systems, and restructuring
  • Offering guidance on withholding, stamp tax, and other transactional tax matters

Investment structures

  • Providing tailored tax advice on setting up and transforming investment structures at all levels (investor, product, investment)
  • Assisting to obtain reclaims and claiming exemptions of Swiss and foreign withholding taxes and financial transaction taxes including negotiations with tax authorities in complex situations.
  • Advising private equity firms, fund management companies as well as family offices according to their specific needs

Fund investors

  • Handling the annual Swiss tax reporting obligations for your investment fund and ensuring that the taxable figures for all relevant share classes are published correctly and timely on the official SFTA’s website or otherwise made available to investors 
  • Providing tax reporting services to Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and alternative investment funds (AIF) of all sizes and complexities, ranging from smaller, simple funds to large fund-of-funds structures with a high number of calculations 

Our added value

In the complex world of financial services, you need a tax advisor with both technical expertise and a deep understanding of business and operational processes. 

  • Expertise: Our tax team brings extensive experience across various financial institutions, offering valuable industry insights and tailored solutions.
  • A global integrated partnership: As a leading global professional services firm, Forvis Mazars Group provides seamless tax expertise across 100+ countries. Our specialists ensure a consistent, high-quality client experience, helping institutions navigate complex tax regulations across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Cost efficiency: Our comprehensive tax solutions help reduce costs by ensuring compliance, identifying tax-saving opportunities, and optimising financial strategies to minimise liabilities and mitigate risks.

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