
You will find here our latest news.

Forvis Mazars accredited by the Carbon Fri Foundation to draw up or validate a CO2 balance sheet to obtain the CARBON FRI label

The Carbon Fri Foundation was set up at the beginning of 2018 to encourage companies in Fribourg to reduce their CO2 emissions. To this end, it awards the CARBON FRI label to Fribourg companies that are concerned about their environmental impact and wish to support the Fribourg economy.

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Mazars sponsors Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix for the 9th year in a row

Mazars is proud to sponsor the Watchmaking Grand Prix in Geneva (Grand Prix d’Horlogerie) - a Foundation which aims to promote the excellence of the world’s best watchmakers, to encourage creativity and to attract new talents.

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Mazars Fribourg sponsors the SME trophees of the Agglo of Fribourg

The Agglo of Fribourg organises the SME trophees which aims to promote and reward dynamic and creative companies that enrich the regional economy.

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Mazars placed 6th in the 2024 ranking of the top tax and fiduciary firms in Switzerland for the third consecutive year

We are very proud to announce the results of the best tax and fiduciary experts 2024 in Switzerland published by Statista in cooperation with BILANZ magazine and PME magazine. For the third consecutive year, we have been ranked 6th in the list of the best tax experts and fiduciaries in Switzerland of around 100 companies.

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Mazars opens its tenth Swiss office in Basel

Zurich, 1 September 2023 - Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, has opened its tenth Swiss office at Aeschenplatz 6 in Basel. With this move, Mazars strengthens its presence in German-speaking Switzerland and underlines its further growth ambitions in Switzerland.

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Mazars patron of "Genève pour le Bien Commun"

Mazars is very pleased to continue its patronage of "Genève pour le Bien Commun".

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Mazars Sion sponsors the SwissPeaks Trail

Mazars sponsors for the third year in a row the SwissPeaks Trail.

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Mazars sponsors "Valais 4.0 Breakfasts"

Mazars is very pleased to be a partner of the "Valais 4.0 Breakfasts" which are organised four times a year by the Valais Chamber of Commerce.

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