Corporate reporting

Tell your story effectively and transparently to all your stakeholders

Good reporting offers a window into the culture of the organisation. Recent years have seen a stronger emphasis placed on reporting quality, with tighter regulation and rising demands from stakeholders. Companies must work harder than ever to tell their story. From fast-growing start-ups to established multinationals, we work with companies to help them communicate clearly and effectively.

Our approach

Demands for greater financial transparency and proof of organisational sustainability are coming from many sides, including regulators, investors, and other stakeholders. The result: today’s reports are expected to go beyond reporting financials and embrace strategy, quality of governance, remuneration schemes, and even the organisation’s impact on the environment, employees, society and other stakeholders. 

At Forvis Mazars, we have a strong track record helping our clients to meet – and exceed – the very latest corporate reporting standards. We bring together a team of professionals combining financial reporting and accounting knowledge with non-financial reporting expertise to deliver a pragmatic business approach. 

We regularly support our clients offering them integrated solutions in the following areas: 

Financial aspects

  • Solution-oriented consulting in accounting matters (IFRS, Swiss GAAP FER, OR)
  • Comprehensive support in the transition of the accounting standard (local GAAP to IFRS, Swiss GAAP FER) or in the implementation of new standards (such as IFRS 9, IFRS 15, IFRS 16 and IFRS 17)
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Consolidations support
  • Group reorganisations
  • Complex consolidations
  • Financing structures
  • Capital reductions
  • Purchase price allocation valuations
  • Share-based payment valuations
  • Pension scheme arrangements

Non-financial aspects 

Our “Beyond the GAAP” monthly newsletter highlights the recent accounting developments, offering insights into the thinking of national and international accounting standards bodies plus other organisations that can affect corporate reporting such as securities regulators.

Members of our team meet regularly with policymakers, participate in industry working groups and collaborate as one global, integrated team to share knowledge and best practice, meaning we are well placed to be proactive in advising our clients on the forthcoming standards and their implications.



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