Payroll and staff administration

Securely outsource your payroll and focus on your core business!

Monthly payroll processing and staff administration are time-consuming and complex processes that require a high level of expertise. In order to save time, comply with legal obligations and keep up with the latest regulatory changes, it may be worthwhile to outsource these processes.

Forvis Mazars offers you outsourcing solutions that are tailored to your current and future needs. In addition to carrying out the monthly payroll accounting, we also propose all personnel administration tasks, including replacing a staff member whenever needed. Outsourcing HR processes allows you to focus on your core business.

Contact us !

What are the advantages of outsourcing your payroll activities?

Mazars - Icone Sécurité
Mazars - Icône Digitalisation
Mazars - Icône Advise new
Mazars - Icône Temps new
Mazars - Icône Economie


Safety and
in the processing of your data


Digital and secure document management


Expert knowledge of
the latest regulatory developments

Time saving

Relief of your HR team to focus on their core business

Cost effective

Cost control and a flexible service

Certifications and partnerships


Swissdec certification 

We are an Abacus integration partner.
Our data is hosted in Switzerland.

Want to know more?