Press articles

Paroles de dirigeant : «Nous misons sur l’esprit d’entrepreneuriat et le collectif»

HR Today - Juin 2018

Le CEO de Mazars Suisse (audit et conseil) détaille sa vision des ressources humaines.

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Swiss likely to be taxed on their real estate in France

Le Temps June 6, 2018

Swiss taxpayers owning a house on the French Riviera or in Paris will be subject to the new French property tax. (Article in French)

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Patronage - Actors of influence

Market - Avril 2018

Interview of José Caneda, CEO of Mazars

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Cryptocurrencies : unknown tax territory

Bilan March 14, 2018

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Spontaneous denunciation : An arbitrary deadline

Bilan March 14, 2018

Serge Migy, Head of Tax and Deborah Joye, Senior Manager

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Italy, a stable market and a deep watch culture

Europa Star - January 2018

An analysis of the Italian Watch market by Sylvain Rousmant and Alessandro Motta

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United Arab Emirates, Oversupply? Analysis of the UAE watch market

Europa Star - January 2018

An analysis of the UAE Watch market by Bertrand Weisrock

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Worn in the USA

Europa Star - January 2018

An analysis of the US Watch market by Julie Petit and Marielle Fontbonne

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China, The Horizon Brightens

Europa Star - January 2018

Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars in China was recently interviewed by Europa Star Magazine and shared her insights on the watch market of the Far Eastern Giant...

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Reduzierte Prüfkadenz

Handelszeitung - 8.02.2018 - Beatrice Bartelt

Abschlussprüfung - Die Aufsicht will das Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis für gewisse Banken, Effektenhändler und Vermögensverwalter verbessern.

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