Mazars Fribourg sponsors the SME trophees of the Agglo of Fribourg

The Agglo of Fribourg organises the SME trophees which aims to promote and reward dynamic and creative companies that enrich the regional economy.

With this fourth edition of the Trophées PME competition, organised every two years, the Fribourg conurbation is demonstrating its desire to support and promote business development and job creation in the region.

Trophées PME rewards two categories of participants operating within the Fribourg conurbation: "SME" and "Craft business".

In this categorisation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are those active in production, service or trade and having reached a certain level of industrialisation enabling them to intensify production. Craft companies, on the other hand, are generally smaller in size. They focus in particular on the uniqueness of their product, being rare or made-to-measure.

Discover the winners 2023
