Tax compliance

Efficient handling of a growing workload

Ensuring tax compliance is an increasingly heavy burden. Tax codes are getting more complex, and authorities are demanding increased reporting in their search for non-compliance. Yet precise compliance is vital, not only to prevent fines but also to avoid triggering audits and investigations.

Our approach

Domestic businesses and multinational companies all face increasingly complex tax rules, greater scrutiny from tax authorities, and a bigger obligation to ensure compliance with complex web of laws. Our experts have the resources and local knowledge to handle the most obscure national compliance requirement efficiently. 

Our services

We can offer help across all aspects of tax compliance, including:

  • VAT / indirect tax compliance
  • Corporate tax
  • Transfer pricing
  • Personal income tax
  • Support with tax authorities audit

Our tool for international companies

Our global platform inControl supports Forvis Mazars’ compliance services.

inControl helps global organisations monitor and enhance their compliance processes with a user-friendly dashboard to clarify complex compliance workflows. Accessible via the web, it provides transparency of the entire compliance process and the ability to assess performance of internal and external teams against defined KPIs. inControl also promotes internal collaboration with tools such as document sharing.

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