Year-end and audit support

There are many requirements at the year end and a company will need to work with several parties to ensure all tasks are completed on time. Management in Thailand are busy focusing on the day to day business and finance teams based overseas may find it difficult to deal with auditors and other professional advisors remotely. Forvis Mazars is the single point of contact for our clients during the year-end.

We help our clients to navigate through the statutory audit, ensuring all confirmations, supporting documentation and explanations are provided on a timely basis. With many of our clients having strict deadlines to complete the audit, we manage the timeline keeping all parties informed of the progress of the audit fieldwork and help to clear any outstanding points.

There is also a requirement in Thailand that all accounts are prepared a registered Thai accountant. We perform this role for our clients.

The following services will be performed by Forvis Mazars at the end of each accounting year:

  • Prepare the annual financial statements and supporting notes (in English and Thai language) ready for the audit.
  • Provide the necessary support and coordination during the statutory audit.
  • Sign the SorBorChor 3 and 3/1 by a registered Thai accountant.
  • Submit the audited financial statements through e-filing with the Ministry of Commerce (with Sor Bor Chor 3 and Sor Bor Chor 3/1).

Forvis Mazars also offers a company secretarial package that covers the AGM and other statutory filing requirements including reporting to the Board of Investment (BOI). 

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