Mazars in Thailand technical update - February 2021
Mazars Thailand technical update - February 2021
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Tax, Legal, Accounting, IFRS, writing off bad debts, transfer pricing disclosure, VAT on e-services, International Procurement Office, business combinations under common control, IASB, IPTF
5 March 2021
- Amendment of debt thresholds for writing off bad debts
- Requirement for electronic filing of the transfer pricing disclosure form
- VAT imposed on e-services
- Reinstatement of International Procurement Office and new investment projects for the care of the elderly and clinical research business activities
- Year-ended 31 December 2020 filing deadlines reminder
- Accounting for a prepayment in foreign currency
- 2021 – the year ahead
- Supplementary IASB meeting on COVID-19-related rent concessions
- Publication of an exposure draft on accounting for regulatory assets and liabilities
- Educational material on going concern and disclosures
- IPTF publishes document for discussion on hyperinflationary economies
- Discussion Paper on Business Combinations under Common Control