Tax Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful tax regulations, processes and tax issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

Extension of the reduced personal income tax rate

The Thai government has issued Royal Decree No. 600 that extends the reduced progressive personal income tax rates of 0% to 35% for another year. We set below the Thai personal income tax rates for the 2016 tax year.

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VAT filing extension

As a result of the tax amnesty programme, many companies registered for VAT that applied for the benefits under the programme have voluntarily filed additional VAT returns for January to March 2016 to get their tax affairs in order.

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Permanent corporate income tax rate of 20%

To enhance the Country's ability to compete in a global economy, the draft Act amending the Revenue Code that permanently reduces the corporate income tax from 30% to 20% has been approved by the Thai National Legislative Assembly.

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Tax benefit for first-time home buyers

On 9 February 2016, the Ministry of Finance issued Ministerial Regulation No. 313, which provides details of a tax benefit for first-time home buyers.

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Tax Exemption for SMEs

To promote SMEs, the Thai government has issued Royal Decree Number 595 which benefits SMEs in term of corporate income tax. We set below a summary of this law.

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