Tax Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful tax regulations, processes and tax issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

Update on the draft transfer pricing law

In our tax update for August 2018, we noted that the government submitted a draft act amending the Revenue Code in regard to transfer pricing to the National Legislative Assembly for consideration. The National Legislative Assembly approved the draft transfer-pricing law on 27 September 2018, and the final law is expected to be enacted shortly.

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Update on the draft transfer-pricing law

In our tax article for January 2018, we noted that the Cabinet approved a draft transfer-pricing law on 3 January 2018. Recently, the government submitted the draft act amending the Revenue Code on transfer pricing (“the draft Act”) to the National Legislative Assembly for consideration. Most of the content of the draft Act remains the same as the version passed in a public hearing held by the Revenue Department last year.

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Tax deduction of up to 60,000 baht for childbirth

On 27 June 2018, Ministerial Regulation No.338 was published in the Royal Gazette effective retroactively from 1 January 2018, allowing a taxpayer to claim a personal income tax deduction of up to 60,000 baht for medical expenses paid by the taxpayer or his/her spouse for prenatal care and child delivery.

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Reduced VAT Rate Extended

Currently, the value-added tax (VAT) rate is reduced from the normal rate of 10% to 7%. This reduction was set to expire after 30 September 2018, unless another law was passed extending the reduced VAT rate.

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