Tax Return e-Filing Deadline Extended Again

The grace period for filing a tax return electronically of 8 days after the normal deadline was set to expire after 31 January 2019, unless another law was passed extending it. On 28 January 2019, the Thai government issued a notification to extend the grace period of 8 days for another two years, from 1 February 2019 to 31 January 2021.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Tax, e-Filing, Tax return, Corporate income tax, VAT, Withholding tax, Personal income tax, PND.90, PND.91

21 February 2019

Tax return

Deadline for normal filing

Deadline for electronic filing

Half-year corporate income tax return (Form PND.51)

31 August*

8 September*

Year-end corporate income tax return (Form PND.50)

29** or 30*** May of the following accounting period

6** or 7*** June of the following accounting period

Value-added tax (Form PP.30) and specific business tax returns (Form PT.40)

The 15th of the following month

The 23rd of the following month

All withholding tax returns (Forms PND.1, 2, 3, 53 and 54) and self-assessed value-added tax return (Form PP.36)

The 7th of the following month

The 15th of the following month

Half-year personal income tax return (Form PND.94)

30 September

8 October

Year-end personal income tax return (Form PND.90 or 91)

31 March

8 April

*Only applies to a taxpayer whose accounting period is the same as a calendar year (1 January through 31 December)

**Only applies to a taxpayer whose accounting period is the same as a calendar year, and there are 29 days in February of that year

***Only applies to a taxpayer whose accounting period is the same as a calendar year, and there are 28 days in February of that year

Therefore, after 31 January 2021, unless another notification extends the allowance for a late filing of tax return through internet again, the normal deadlines as shown in the middle column of the table above will apply, whether the tax return is filed on a normal or electronic basis.

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