New appointments make ISSB quorate

Since the formation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the appointment of Emmanuel Faber as Chair and Sue Lloyd as Vice-Chair, the IFRS Foundations has been busy recruiting other Board members, with the final number set to be fourteen.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Sustainability, ISSB, IFRS

24 August 2022

Given the tight deadline to publish the first two IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards by the end of the year, the IFRS Foundation implemented a two-stage appointment process.

It initially appointed six members (plus the Chair and Vice-Chair) to bring the number to the minimum of eight required by the Constitution for discussions to commence.

The first stage of the appointment process has now been completed, with the appointments of Professor Richard Barker, Ms Verity Chegar, Mr Bing Leng and Dr Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien announced on 8 June 2022 (the IFRS Foundation press release on these four appointments is available here), and the appointments of Dr Jeffrey Hales and Mr Michael Jantzi announced on 27 June (the IFRS Foundation press release on these appointments is available here).

Now that the Board has achieved its quorum of eight members, the first meeting has been scheduled for the week beginning 18 July, in the ISSB’s offices in Frankfurt.

Further appointments will also be announced soon, with the goal of having the full complement of members by the third quarter. 

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