ISSB reaches full complement of members

During July and August, the IFRS Foundation continued with the recruitment process for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and made the following announcements.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Sustainability, ISSB, IFRS

26 October 2022

  • The appointments of Tae-Young Pai and Elizabeth Seeger on 14 July (the IFRS Foundation press release on these appointments is available here);
  • The appointments of Jenny Bofinger-Schuster, Hiroshi Komori and Veronika Pountcheva on 23 August (press release available here);
  • The appointment of Jingdong Hua as second Vice-Chair of the ISSB on 31 August (press release available here). He will work in the ISSB’s offices in Montreal and will oversee the development and implementation of the ISSB’s strategies for supporting and including stakeholders in emerging and developing economies, as well as small and medium-sized companies. His role will thus complement that of the other Vice-Chair, Sue Lloyd (based in Frankfurt), who will oversee the overall organisation of the ISSB’s work and its technical staff, as well as the link between the ISSB and the IASB to ensure the two boards’ requirements are complementary. Mr Hua was formerly Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank.

These six appointments bring the number of ISSB members to 14, the full complement as specified in the IFRS Foundation’s Constitution.

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