Illustration of interoperability between GRI and ISSB standards through the reporting on GHG emissions

On 18 January 2024, the IFRS Foundation and GRI jointly published the following document:

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, GHG, ISSB, GRI, Climate, press release, disclosures, GWP 


Interoperability considerations for GHG emissions when applying GRI Standards and ISSB Standards, focussing on Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions disclosures. (the press release is available here). 

The GHG disclosure requirements of both standards GRI 305, Emissions and IFRS S2, Climate-related disclosures are highly aligned, for example both cover the same gases, require disclosure of location-based emissions in CO2e, emissions and scope 3 categories as well as disclosure of approach and methodologies used. As a result, entities already reporting Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions under GRI standards will be well placed to comply with IFRS S2. 

Some other GHG emissions disclosures may be aligned depending on the decisions the entity makes in applying these standards (such as those related to the choice of global warming potential (GWP) rates and the emissions factors used).  

In addition, there are some requirements specific only to either GRI 305 or IFRS S2, and all such disclosures would need to be made to ensure compliance with both standards.

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