EFRAG publishes a fourth batch of answers on the application of ESRS
Please check out more details about the fourth Q&A and the Q&A Platform
For each case, EFRAG provides references to and extracts from the standards on which its explanations are based, to help the reader. EFRAG intends to publish responses on a regular basis, to support preparers and stakeholders with implementation of ESRSs.
Of the 25 explanations released in the July batch, 13 relate to environmental standards, 11 to cross-cutting standards and one to social standards. Some of EFRAG’s explanations deserve particular attention, such as ID 432, which deals with disclosures on net-zero targets and GHG removals, and ID 555, which addresses information to disclose on the anticipated financial effects of climate change.
Finally, it should be noted that this time, EFRAG has added in an appendix a log of questions received that were categorised as “already asked/answered”. For each of them, it provides a reference to the location where they have been answered, thus justifying the decision to reject these questions.