Legal Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful legal regulations, processes and legal issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

Opening a Company Bank Account?

After a limited company (“Company”) is established, the Board of Directors of the Company may pass a resolution to open the Company’s bank account and prepare the minutes of the meeting to support the application for opening the bank account with its desired bank.

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Filing Financial Statements Late

A limited company has five months from the end of the fiscal year to file its financial statements with the Department of Business Development (“DBD”), Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”).

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Work Permit for an Expatriate with a Thai Spouse

Normally, each work permit issued to a foreign national will require 2 million Baht of registered paid-up capital of the company.

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New Practice for Business Visa Cancellation

Under previous rules, after cancelling a business visa at the Immigration Bureau, an expatriate must leave Thailand before midnight on the same date.

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Late Submission of the List of Shareholders

According to the Civil and Commercial Code, the directors of a Company have a duty to submit an updated list of Shareholders to the registrar at least once a year, by submitting it not later than 14 days after the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (‘AGM’).

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