Work Permit for an Expatriate with a Thai Spouse

Normally, each work permit issued to a foreign national will require 2 million Baht of registered paid-up capital of the company.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Legal, Work Permit, Expatriate

15 July 2013

However, if an expatriate employee has a Thai spouse, the requirement of the registered paid-up capital of the Company will be reduced by 50% for work permit applications.

For instance, a Company with registered paid-up capital 2 million Baht and already employing one expatriate who does not have a Thai spouse, wishes to employ another expatriate to work in the company. The company must increase the registered paid-up capital by another 2 million Baht to apply for the work permit if the new expatriate does not have a Thai spouse (the registered paid-up capital of the company be 4 million Baht). On the other hand, if the new expatriate has a Thai spouse, the Company can increase the paid-up capital by another 1 million Baht (the registered paid-up capital of the company will be 3 million Baht) for the work permit application.

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