Extending the scope of business of a TISO and IBC

On 16 September 2021, the BOI issued Announcement No. Sor 3/2564 on extending the scope of business of a Trade and Investment Support Office (“TISO”) and International Business Centre (“IBC”) to provide loans to affiliated companies as an activity outside the scope of a treasury centre, as follows:

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Legal, BOI, TISO, IBC

21 December 2021

  • Providing loans in foreign currency to affiliated companies in foreign countries;
  • Providing loans in Thai baht to affiliated companies in Thailand; and
  • Providing loans in Thai baht to affiliated companies in Vietnam and countries bordering Thailand for trading or investing in Thailand or in those countries only.

For a TISO, its scope of business must already include one or more other TISO business activities in order to provide loans to affiliated companies.

For an IBC, its scope of business must already include one or more other IBC business activities, except for acting as a treasury centre and conducting international trade activities, in order to provide loans to affiliated companies.

Source: BOI announcement (in Thai) and BOI announcement (in English) dated 16 September 2021

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