Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Services

Mazars is pleased to offer our services for annual shareholders' meetings and electronic meetings. Let us ’help you guide your company to success.


Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Services

We offer three packages to fit your needs.

Scope of services

Service fees (in Thai baht)1

Package A

  • Preparing notice, in both Thai and English, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing the minutes, in both Thai and English, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing notice, in both Thai and English, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to be published in advance in a newspaper, submitting the notice for publication, as well as preparing a letter of notice, in both Thai and English, in PDF format, to be delivered by hand to shareholders.2
  • Preparing the minutes, in both Thai and English, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to approve the audited financial statements and other necessary matters, as required by law.
  •  Filing the list of shareholders online.
  • Filing the financial statements online.





20,000 to 22,000

Package B

  • Preparing notice, in both Thai and English, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing the minutes, in both Thai and English, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing notice, in both Thai and English, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to be published in advance in a newspaper, submitting the notice for publication, as well as preparing a letter of notice, in both Thai and English, in PDF format, to be delivered by hand to shareholders.2
  • Preparing the minutes, in both Thai and English, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to approve the audited financial statements and other necessary matters, as required by law.





Package C

  • Preparing notice, in Thai only, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing the minutes, in Thai only, of the board of directors meeting for calling the annual shareholders’ meeting.
  • Preparing notice, in Thai only, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to be published in advance in a newspaper, submitting the notice for publication, as well as preparing a letter of notice, in Thai only, in PDF format, to be delivered by hand to shareholders.2
  • Preparing the minutes, in Thai only, of the annual shareholders’ meeting to approve the audited financial statements and other necessary matters, as required by law.





1The fees listed here are subject to change based on your requirements and individual circumstances.

2This means that Mazars prepares the notice and sends it in PDF format to you, and you then deliver it by hand to your shareholders.


Optional services: E-meeting coordination

Embrace the future! It is now possible to hold board of directors and shareholders' meetings electronically. Let us coordinate your e-meetings using your designated device, ensuring a smooth and efficient meeting. Our scope of work includes the following:

Electronic Board of Directors Meetings

  • Preparing and sending an invitation to the meeting to all directors by email (the email addresses of directors are required).
  • Attending the meeting as a facilitator using your designated electronic device.
  • Checking that a quorum is formed for the meeting.
  • Making visual and audio recordings of all attendees throughout the entire meeting.

Electronic Annual Shareholders’ Meetings

  • Preparing and sending an invitation to the meeting to all shareholders by email (the email addresses of shareholders are required).
  • Attending the meeting as a facilitator using your designated electronic device.
  • Checking that a quorum is formed for the meeting.
  • Making visual and audio recordings of all attendees throughout the entire meeting.

We will not act as the chairman of the meeting or give any legal advice during the meeting. We will note any questions asked by attendees and, if requested to do so, give advice to you under a separate engagement.

Our service fee for coordinating an electronic meeting is THB 10,000 per meeting (excluding VAT and out-of-pocket expenses).

For further information and to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, please contact us. We look forward to assisting you.

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