IFRS Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful IFRS regulations, processes and IFRS issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

IASB to clarify its definitions of accounting policies and estimates

On 12 September 2017, the IASB published an exposure draft offering clarifications of the concepts of accounting policy and accounting estimates defined in IAS 8.

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Materiality: the IASB publishes two documents

As part of its Better Communication project, the IASB published two documents on materiality on 14 September 2017.

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IASB proposes narrow-scope amendments to IAS 16

On 20 June 2017, the IASB published an exposure draft proposing narrow-scope amendments to IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment.

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IFRIC 23 - Uncertainty Over Income Tax Treatments

On 7 June, the IASB published IFRIC 23, an interpretation of IAS 12 focusing on uncertainty over income tax treatments. Here, we summarise the key points of the interpretation.

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A new look for IFRS.org!

On 12 June 2017, the IASB launched its new website, still at www.ifrs.org. The new site uses state-of-the-art technology and has been designed to better align with the IASB’s key priorities.

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