Publication of amendments to IFRS 3 and IFRS 11

On 29 June, the IASB published draft amendments to IFRS 3 – Business combinations, and IFRS 11 – Joint arrangements, with a closing date for comments of 31 October.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IFRS, IASB

9 August 2016

Following the Post-implementation Review of IFRS 3, challenges have been identified in applying the definition of a business. Given the significant accounting differences between a business combination and the purchase of an asset or group of assets, the IASB has decided to revisit and clarify the definition of a business. In practice, as well as changes to the definition of the elements that constitute a business, the amendments propose a new two-step approach to determining whether a business is present.

In the same exposure draft, the IASB also proposes putting an end to divergent practices in accounting for previously held interests in a joint operation in subsequent transactions in which an entity either obtains exclusive control or joint control of a joint operation.

This draft is available on the IFRS website

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