IASB Unveils its Mission Statement

On 15 April 2015, during the meeting of IFRS Foundation Trustees in Toronto, the IASB unveiled its mission statement, which is summarised in the following terms: “Our mission is to develop International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) that bring transparency, accountability and efficiency to financial markets around the world. Our work serves the public interest by fostering trust, growth and long-term financial stability in the global economy.”

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IFRS, IASB

26 June 2015

Accordingly, IFRS:

  • brings transparency by enhancing the international comparability and quality of financial information, enabling investors and other market participants to make informed economic decisions;
  • strengthens accountability by reducing the information gap between the providers of capital and the people to whom they have entrusted their money, and to regulators;
  • contributes to economic efficiency by helping investors to identify opportunities and risks across the world. For businesses, the use of a single, trusted accounting language lowers the cost of capital and reduces international reporting costs.

For more information, please read this mission statement

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