IASB and FASB on Leases

On 1 July 2013, the IASB and the FASB announced that they would jointly hold several round tables on the new draft standard on leases.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Accounting, IFRS, IASB, FASB

13 August 2013

These round tables will offer an opportunity for more detailed discussion of the new proposals with the two standard-setters, and to gather the widest possible range of views on the draft. The IASB and the FASB are therefore relying on the participation of all the stakeholders (preparers, auditors, investors, etc.).

These round tables will be held as follows:

  • 10 September 2013 in São Paulo,
  • 16 September 2013 in London,
  • 23 September in Norwalk,
  • 3 October in Los Angeles, and
  • 4 October 2013 in Singapore.

The final registration date is 22 July 2013.

For more information, visit the IASB site.

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