IASB adds Post-implementation Review
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IFRS,IASB, Financial instruments, IFRS 9, Revenues from contracts with customers, IFRS 15, PIRs
22 January 2021
PIRs of IFRS 9
Readers will remember that the IASB validated three PIRs, one for each phase of IFRS 9, at its October meeting.
The PIR on the classification and measurement phase was added to the IASB’s work plan in November. Work will begin as soon as possible.
The Board will consider the start dates for the PIRs of the impairment and hedge accounting phases in the second half of 2021.
PIR of IFRS 15
The start date of the IFRS 15 PIR will also be discussed in the second half of 2021.