Enterprise reshaping: the path towards resilience

Our highly skilled professionals employ a practical, results-oriented approach to help you address financial challenges and reshape the future of your organization.

After several years of growth, at an annual rate of around 4% driven by private consumption, the Real GDP of Romania is projected to contract by 6% during 2020, according to the forecasts of the European Commission published in May 2020. From a people management perspective in the same month, half a million employees had their contracts suspended, and almost another half terminated.

Regardless of their size, management experience, industry, or seniority on the local market, all companies have suffered from the economic impact of the restrictions imposed and this requires a quick and significant change in the business model.

Our experience across a wide range of industries allows us to quickly assemble a multi-functional team best suited to meet your business needs:

Mazars supports your organization to identify operational inefficiencies, saving costs, and reducing overheads. We will look at unprofitable business segments, divisions or affiliates, and any weaknesses in systems, procedures, and controls.

Businesses are challenged with having to realign resources, processes, and capabilities to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

By repositioning your business, refining operations, managing costs, and improving margins, your organization will be able to achieve greater profitability and growth, whether you are a Romanian or international firm active on the local market.

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