Tax News

You will find here changes in the tax regulations discussed and commented by Mazars' experts.

The deadline for publishing the 2021 tax strategy for most taxpayers ends at the end of 2022.

We kindly remind you that the publication of information on the implementation of the tax strategy is a statutory requirement for the largest business entities in Poland (i.e., tax capital groups and taxpayers with revenues exceeding EUR 50 million in the tax year).

Information on the implemented tax strategy should be published for 2021 by December 31, 2022 (or by the end of the twelfth month after the end of the tax year - for taxpayers with a tax year different from the calendar year) - on the taxpayer's website or, in the event that the taxpayer does not have its own website, on the website of a related entity.

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Change in the provisions on the documentation obligation in the field of transfer pricing

Change in the provisions on the documentation obligation in the field of transfer pricing for the so-called tax heaven transactions

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Mandatory e-invoicing starting from 1 January 2024

National System of E-Invoices (KSeF) - Poland received the approval of the EU Council for implementing the mandatory e-invoicing starting from 1 January 2024.

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Exchange rate applied to corrective invoices

On 25 May 2022, the Supreme Administrative Court issued rulings in two cases with reference numbers: II FSK 2530/19 and II FSK 2531/19, which may alter the hitherto practice applied to translation into PLN of corrective invoices expressed in foreign currencies, documenting correction of income or tax-deductible costs.

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Transfer pricing: Continuation of the COVID facilitations and more time to meet the transfer pricing obligations for 2021

It might seem that along with the change in the legal situation from an epidemic to an epidemic threat in Poland, all the facilitations in the field of transfer pricing, introduced by the so-called COVID Act, will disappear at the same time. Nothing could be further from the truth!

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The deadline for submitting the information on the structure of real estate companies

The deadline for submitting the information on the structure of real estate companies will expire on March 31, 2022.

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New National System of e-Invoices (KSeF)

On 1 January 2022, the regulations introducing the National System of e-Invoices (pl. KSeF) came into force. KSeF is an ICT platform for issuing, receiving and storing structured electronic invoices (e-invoices).

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Publication of a tax strategy until the end of December 2021

The largest business entities are obliged to prepare and publish on their websites by December 31, 2021 the information on tax strategy executed in 2020. The end of year is the last moment to fulfil the legal obligation.

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Transfer Pricing December deadline for TPR-C / expiration of 2017 benchmarks

The deadline for sending TPR-C (information on transfer pricing) to the tax administration expires by the end of December. The period of validity of benchmarks (comparative analyzes) prepared for the purposes of TP's documentation for 2017 has also expired.

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Calculation of personal income tax on employee and entrepreneur - what to choose for 2022

From 2022, the PIT taxpayer's right to deduct the amount of the health insurance contribution from the tax will be abolished. At the same time, the amount of the contribution paid by entrepreneurs subject to the 19% flat tax will be determined proportionally to the income earned and will amount to 4.9% (new, additional burden).

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