Carbon Footprint Calculation and Analysis

Taking action towards implementing Net Zero and reducing your organisation's environmental footprint demonstrates that your organisation is acting responsibly and, moreover, contributing to the national and international goals of the Net Zero strategy. Forvis Mazars will help you understand the details of your Net Zero strategy commitments and ensure that a coherent emissions reduction strategy is aligned with your business and operations.

Our services include:

Measuring the carbon footprint of your Scope 1, Scope 2 and material Scope 3 emissions.

  • Scope 1 includes direct emissions resulting from the combustion of fuels in stationary installations and the combustion of fuels in vehicles belonging to the organisation's fleet;
  • Scope 2 includes indirect emissions resulting from the generation of electricity and heat supplied to the company by the energy supplier;
  • Scope 3 includes other indirect emissions covering 15 categories.
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We have a greenhouse gas emissions measurement tool, Ecometrica, which provides a geo-referenced solution across all emission ranges, enabling detailed customisation to each organisation's specific operations, supply chains and locations.

The platform can then generate detailed reports in line with an ever-growing number of information-gathering systems, including CDP, ISO14064-1 and the WBCSD/WRI GHG Protocol. More assessments can be added over time, allowing you to track the improvement and development of your KPIs.

Contact us 

Depending on where your business is in its sustainability journey, we will assemble a team of area specialists that is focused on your unique needs and can offer solutions aligned with your goals.  Whether it’s supply chain awareness, carbon mapping, climate change risk assessments or diversity promotion, we have the expertise and experience to deliver solutions that will support companies for the long-term. We believe our bespoke approach means you’ll always have the right experts for the right project.

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