ESG Regulations Compliance

Regulatory gap analysis on sustainability issues
  • Gap analysis is the process of conducting an assessment of the materiality of an organisation's sustainability issues and then evaluating the effectiveness of the management of these issues.
  • This analysis is beneficial for organisations whose strategy does not yet focus at all or sufficiently on ESG elements and needs to be aligned with regulations and trends.
  • The gap analysis concerns the implementation of regulations related to the topic of sustainable development.

Our services include:

Gap analysis of ESG strategy and management

  • Analysis of ESG strengths and weaknesses
  • Overview of significant issues relevant to the organisation
  • Interview senior management to understand the vision, mission, strategy and plans in place
  • Analysis of management approach information and data evaluation
  • Collection of information on various ESG-related processes (e.g. risk management, stakeholder dialogue, supply chain) through a questionnaire and interviews
  • Identification of gaps and development of recommendations

Gap analysis of the implementation of legal regulations related to the topic of sustainable development

  • Analysis and assessment of the company's compliance with the criteria of the EU Taxonomy.
  • Develop a sustainability action strategy, taking into account the requirements of the EU Taxonomy.

Identification of the basic requirements of the CSRD and the ESRS standards.


  • Introductory workshop on current and future ESG regulatory requirements (including the CSRD, EU Taxonomy Regulation, ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) standards) and on your company's sector of operation, including reporting;
  • A workshop to present the results of the gap analyses carried out.

Contact us 

Depending on where your business is in its sustainability journey, we will assemble a team of area specialists that is focused on your unique needs and can offer solutions aligned with your goals.  Whether it’s supply chain awareness, carbon mapping, climate change risk assessments or diversity promotion, we have the expertise and experience to deliver solutions that will support companies for the long-term. We believe our bespoke approach means you’ll always have the right experts for the right project.

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