Publication of a tax strategy until the end of December 2021

The largest business entities are obliged to prepare and publish on their websites by December 31, 2021 the information on tax strategy executed in 2020. The end of year is the last moment to fulfil the legal obligation.

Obligation to publish information on executed tax strategy

  • On January 1, 2021, came into force the regulations providing for the obligation to prepare and publish information on the tax strategy executed in the previous fiscal year. This obligation was imposed on the largest business entities.
  • Tax strategy should be published by the end of 12th month following the completed fiscal year. In published materials, including last press release of December 15, 2021, the Ministry of Finance confirmed that the largest business entities are obliged to publish the information on executed tax strategy for 2020 by December 31, 2021.
  • In case of meeting the criteria, the information on executed tax strategy for 2020 should be published on the entity’s website. In addition, the head of respective tax office should be informed about the website where the strategy has been published.

Who is required to publish information about the executed tax strategy?

Are obliged to publish information on the executed tax strategy:

  1. Tax capital groups - regardless of the amount of revenue earned.
  2. CIT taxpayers (other than tax capital groups) - only those with revenues exceeding the equivalent of EUR 50 million in a tax year.

What should be included in the information about the executed tax strategy?

According to the new regulations, the information on executed tax strategy should include data from the following areas, in particular:

  • Processes and procedures for managing and ensuring the proper performance of tax law obligations.
  • Voluntary forms of cooperation with the National Tax Administration;
  • Fulfilment of tax obligations;
  • Number of reported MDR tax schemes;
  • Related party transactions;
  • Restructuring;
  • Applications filed with tax authorities;
  • Tax settlements with tax havens.

How can we help you?

  • Mazars’ experts remain at your disposal with respect to ongoing support in fulfilling the obligation to publish information on executed tax strategy for 2020.
  • We are also at your disposal with regard to complex support in developing an internal tax strategy document, to be implemented and used for the future. 
