Tax News

You will find here changes in the tax regulations discussed and commented by Mazars' experts.


TAX ALERT: Transfer pricing 2020

We would like to remind you about the obligation to prepare transfer pricing documentation for 2019 and also please be informed that from 2020, new obligatory rules apply to documenting transactions between related parties (it will not be for the taxpayer to choose which rules they apply to the TP documentation, i.e. previously or currently binding ones).

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TAX ALERT: Changes in intra-Community transactions of goods

The way of documenting the intra-Community supply of goods (ICS) changes significantly on 1 January 2020. It is due to the entry into force of a recovery plan to a EU’s directive and a new Council Regulation (EU) (the so-called Quick Fixes). Also the taxation rules within the framework of chain transactions and call-of stock are to be modified.

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TAX ALERT: Changes in VAT and important judgements

TAX ALERT: “Pay and demand refund” method with relation to WHT postponed

The Ministry of Finance has postponed the application of provisions concerning the mandatory collection of withholding tax from liabilities exceeding PLN 2 million per year for the benefit of the same contractor until 1 January 2020.

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"White list" of VAT taxpayers

From 1st September of the current year, the Head of the National Revenue Administration (KAS) compile a list of registered VAT payers (including entities who were declined to be registered for VAT purposes, removed from the register and restored to it) in an electronic form, containing - apart from the data previously stored - numbers of taxpayers’ bank accounts.

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Deadline for submission of CIT-TP and statement on TP documentation for the year 2018

The deadline for preparing and submitting a CIT-TP form and a statement on the preparation of transfer pricing documentation for 2018 is by 30 September 2019 (i.e. 9 months after the end of the tax year).

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2019 r. pod znakiem dużych zmian w PIT i CIT

Początek roku 2019 obfituje w głębokie zmiany z zakresu podatków dochodowych od osób fizycznych jak i osób prawnych. Ważne jest, aby podatnicy przygotowali się do nich już teraz.

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Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR)

On 1st January 2019, regulations related to the Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR) came into force.
These provisions introduce obligations, never known before, for Promoters (i.a. tax advisor, attorney-at-law, legal counsel that provide advisory services to clients), Users (i.e. a company introducing itself MDR), as well as for Supporters (i.e. accountant, auditor, financial director that supports introduction of the tax arrangement that is a tax scheme).

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