Tax News

You will find here changes in the tax regulations discussed and commented by Mazars' experts.

Obligation to prepare and publish information on the execution of tax strategy

On January 1, 2021, came into force the regulations providing for the obligation to prepare and publish on the website information on the tax strategy executed in the previous fiscal year. This obligation was imposed on the largest business entities. Some of them will have to publish information on the executed tax strategy for the year 2020 already in 2021.

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30 days to reclaim interest on Intra-Community Acquisition of Goods and on importation of services

In its judgment of 18 March 2021 (Case No C-895/19), the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on the incompatibility with EU law of Polish regulations making the exercise of the right to deduct VAT on Intra-Community Acquisition of Goods in the same settlement period in which output VAT on Intra-Community Acquisition of Goods arose conditional on the display of output VAT on Intra-Community Acquisition of Goods in a tax return submitted within 3 months, counting from the end of the month in which the tax point arose with respect to the acquired goods.

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Fuel cards

The Polish Ministry of Finance has issued a general tax ruling on fuel cards. This ruling indicates what criteria determine recognition of fuel card transactions as a financial service. A release has also appeared on the government website informing that due to the repeal of Article 7 section 8 of the VAT Act, individual tax rulings issued in respect of this provision as of 1 January 2021 are no longer valid.

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Limitation of the abolition relief

On 1 January 2021 the changes to the Polish personal income tax regulations entered into force, which limit the amount of the so called “abolition relief” to the sum of PLN 1360 (around €300).

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Intangible services - limitation of tax costs

In regard to the approaching CIT settlement period and numerous doubts arising from the interpretation of regulations on exclusion of expenses incurred for purchase of intangible services and licenses from related parties from tax deductible costs, we recommend to provide a revision of transactions with related parties in order to verify the correct application of the above regulations and identify potential tax risks.

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Reduction VAT from unpaid invoices

We would like to draw your attention to the possibility of taking advantage of the so-called "bad debt relief" in VAT, also in situations in which, according to Polish law it was previously not possible.

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Real estate company tax

On 1 January 2021 the amended provisions of the Polish CIT Act and the Polish PIT Act concerning real estate companies came into force.

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Simple Local And Modern VAT (SLIM VAT) already in force

Starting from 1st January, 2021 new regulations regarding simplification of VAT settlements came into force. They are included the so-called SLIM VAT (Simple Local And Modern VAT) Package and were enacted as an amendment to the Act on tax on goods and services.

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Transfer pricing 2020

We would like to remind you about the obligation to prepare transfer pricing documentation for 2019.
New TPR form should be submitted by 31 December 2020.
Restructuring due to COVID should be covered with TP documentation.

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Anti-crisis shield already adopted by Sejm

Sejm adopted the package of laws referred to as „anti-crisis shield”, which aim is to support the entities from the branches most affected by negative economic effects of COVID-19. Five pillars consist of an anti-crisis shield: The Security of the Employees; Financing of the Enterprises; Healthcare; Strengthening the Financial System and Public Investment Program.

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