Trainings and workshops

For companies interested in enhancing their knowledge on ESG and sustainability, and those with a desire to pursue greater social responsibility, Forvis Mazars in Poland offers training in the following thematic areas:

1. Familiarisation with current and future regulatory requirements

  • Presentation of the basics of relevant sustainability legislation
  • Familiarisation with the CSRD on corporate sustainability reporting, which is to be transposed into Polish legislation and which will introduce the use of mandatory sustainability reporting standards (ESRS)
  • These standards, which are currently under development, make use of existing leading international frameworks in all Member States and will be mandatory for all listed companies and large enterprises

2. Sustainability challenges for companies

  • Discuss the concept of ESG and the associated risks and opportunities
  • Presentation of milestones in global ESG development, description of international trends and initiatives

3. Analytical solutions in the ESG area

3.1. Carbon footprint analysis

  • Presentation of examples of carbon footprint measurement in scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3

3.2 Initial assessment of ESG financial risks

3.3 Assessment of materiality

4. ESG reporting

  • Overview of the main reporting requirements of the CSRD
  • Familiarisation with ESRS standards
  • Overview of the main information that companies must report under the taxonomy requirements
  • Overview of the main reporting requirements under the SFDR
  • Attestation requirements for future reporting

5. Individual training

  • Customised thematic training prepared for customer’s order
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Contact us 

Depending on where your business is in its sustainability journey, we will assemble a team of area specialists that is focused on your unique needs and can offer solutions aligned with your goals.  Whether it’s supply chain awareness, carbon mapping, climate change risk assessments or diversity promotion, we have the expertise and experience to deliver solutions that will support companies for the long-term. We believe our bespoke approach means you’ll always have the right experts for the right project.

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