The deadline for publishing the 2021 tax strategy for most taxpayers ends at the end of 2022.

We kindly remind you that the publication of information on the implementation of the tax strategy is a statutory requirement for the largest business entities in Poland (i.e., tax capital groups and taxpayers with revenues exceeding EUR 50 million in the tax year).
Information on the implemented tax strategy should be published for 2021 by December 31, 2022 (or by the end of the twelfth month after the end of the tax year - for taxpayers with a tax year different from the calendar year) - on the taxpayer's website or, in the event that the taxpayer does not have its own website, on the website of a related entity.


Obligation to publish information on the implemented tax strategy

  • On January 1, 2021, regulations came into force providing for the obligation to prepare and publish information on the tax strategy implemented in the previous fiscal year. This obligation was imposed on the largest business entities.
  • If you have any doubts about whether to file tax strategy information, you can use the list of "Individual data of CIT taxpayers" published on the website of the Ministry of Finance at the link As a rule, if a company is included in the above list, this means that it is obligatory to publish information on tax strategy.
  • The tax strategy should be published by the end of the 12th month following the completed fiscal year.
  • I If the entity criteria are met, information on the implemented tax strategy for 2021 should be published on the website. In addition, the head of the relevant tax authority should also be notified of the address of the website where the information is published.


Who is required to publish information on the implemented tax strategy?

The obligation to publish information on the implemented tax strategy applies to:

  1. tax capital groups (Polish: PGK) - regardless of the amount of revenue earned.
  2. other taxpayers in which the value of income earned in the tax year exceeded the equivalent of EUR 50 million.


What should the published information on the implemented tax strategy include?

According to the regulations, information on the implemented tax strategy should include, in particular:

-      Information on the taxpayer's processes and procedures for managing the performance of its obligations under the tax law and ensuring their proper execution;

-      Information on the applied voluntary forms of cooperation with the Polish National Tax Administration;

-      Information on the implementation of tax obligations in the territory of Poland, including information on the number of information on tax schemes submitted to the Head of National Tax Administration  - with an indication of their breakdown by individual taxes;

-      Information on transactions with related parties, the value of which exceeds 5% of total assets - determined on the basis of the last approved financial statements;

-      Information on restructuring activities undertaken or planned;

-      Information on applications submitted to tax authorities for the issuance of:

a)     General tax rulings,

b)     Individual tax rulings,

c)     Binding rate information,

d)     Binding excise information

-      Information on the taxpayer's tax settlements in so-called “tax havens”.


How can we help?

  • Mazars experts remain at your disposal for ongoing support in fulfilling the obligation to publish information on the implemented tax strategy for 2021.
  • We also offer assistance both in the preparation of information on the implementation of the tax strategy from scratch, as well as provide services for its updating and verification.
  • We also remain at your disposal for comprehensive support in the development of an internal tax strategy document, for implementation and use in future periods.


If you have any questions about complying with the obligation to publish information on the implemented tax strategy, we encourage you to contact the Mazars Tax Advisory Department.

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