Conferences, trainings, webinars

Forvis Mazars takes an active part in the Polish economic life.
You will find here information on conferences in which Forvis Mazars' experts are involved.

Webinar: Financial services transfer pricing

The latest tax authority trends in the UK, France, Germany, the US and new ways of working and their impact on transfer pricing models.

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Webinar CEE: Dealing with the end of life of an Energy project in CEE

Forvis Mazars and Bird & Bird invite you to a webinar where our energy experts will discuss key legal and valuation aspects related to the end of life of renewable installations in CEE.

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Climate, IFRS 9, IRRBB and CSRBB | Meeting the expectations of European regulators

Join our experts for a series of exclusive webinars covering the expectations and guidelines of European regulators on climate, IFRS 9, IRRBB and CSRBB.

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Networking event "Rebuilding Ukraine: opportunities for the private sector"

We are pleased to announce that on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, Forvis Mazars will be hosting an exclusive networking event in Warsaw, titled: "Rebuilding Ukraine: opportunities for the private sector".

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Shared & Business Services Summit 2024 - Strategies and trends for 2025

On 22 October, the Shared & Business Services Summit 2024 will take place, focusing on the future of the BPO/SSC sector and the challenges facing these industries.

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CEE webinar: Food & Beverages Sector in CEE

Mazars & EMIS would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar about market trends, value creation, and post-merger integration challenges in the Food & Beverages Sector in CEE

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Renewables in CEE: focus on battery storage

Mazars and Bird & Bird warmly invite you to a webinar on renewables in the CEE region with a focus on battery storage.

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Webinar: Renewable Energy Sector & Valuation Trends in CEE

Join Mazars & EMIS during our special joint event!

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Webinar: Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Sector in Emerging Europe - potential, trends and M&A

Join Mazars & EMIS during our special joint event!

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Webinar: Obowiązkowe e-fakturowanie (KSeF)

Od 1 lipca 2024 r. wystawianie faktur ustrukturyzowanych ( „e-faktur”) na platformie rządowej KSeF ma stać się obowiązkowe w Polsce w transakcjach między przedsiębiorcami (B2B) dla znacznej większości podatników VAT.

Dowiedz się więcej na temat nadchodzących zmian i dołącz do naszych ekspertów podczas webinaru, który odbędzie się w czwartek, 15.06.2023 r. o godzinie 11:00!

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CEE Business Meeting – Accounting & Tax Update

May 23, 2023 | 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. CET

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The 6th CEE Strategic SSC/GBS Conference

Mazars will attend the 6th CEE Strategic SSC/GBS Conference in Budapest, during 25 - 26 April.

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Mazars at the 0100 Conference CEE focusing on PE/VC

Mazars is one of the partners of the 0100 Conference CEE focusing on PE/VC, which will be held in Prague on April 25-26, 2023. Our experts will present the most important trends and perspectives regarding the M&A market within the region.

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Webinar: O restrukturyzacji praktycznie

Mazars Polska, Kancelaria Wardyński i Wspólnicy, Ad Valorem Business Advisors oraz Konfederacja Lewiatan zapraszają na wydarzenie on-line w formie panelu, które obędzie się 7 lutego 2023 roku o godzinie 10:00.

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French Touch

Mazars już kolejny rok z rzędu patronuje projektowi French Touch, czyli kampanii promującej Francję i francuskie produkty w Polsce.

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Porsche Golf Cup 2022

We are pleased to announce that Mazars in Poland is a sponsor of the Porsche Golf Cup 2022, which is one of the most recognized international golf events in Europe. On October 15-16 in Sobienie Królewskie near Warsaw, as part of the tournament, more than 100+ players will be playing to select the Polish winners to participate at the world finals of the Porsche series in Majorca.

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Retrouvez nos équipes Financial Advisory et Mazars Société d'Avocats lors de l'IPEM 2022 à Cannes

20, 21 et 22 septembre 2022 | Nos équipes Mazars vous accueilleront lors de l'IPEM 2022 qui se tiendra au Palais des Festivals de Cannes.

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XXXI Forum Ekonomiczne w Karpaczu

Mazars po raz kolejny był obecny na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu, które odbyło się w dniach 6-8 września 2022 r. Hasło przewodnie tegorocznej edycji to „Europa w obliczu nowych wyzwań”.

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Webinaire | Réussir son projet d’acquisition en Europe centrale et orientale

Mercredi 29 juin 2022, 11h
L’Europe centrale et orientale représente un marché M&A à fort potentiel pour les entreprises françaises. En effet, souhaitant sécuriser leur chaîne d’approvisionnement suite à la crise du Covid-19 tout en ayant accès à de nouveaux consommateurs, de nombreuses ETI/PME renforcent leur présence dans les pays de la région.

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Webinar | What are the lessons learnt from the Covid-19 impact on ECL of banks in Europe?

Watch the replay of our webinar with Mazars experts for a preview of our new report on the key takeaways from the Covid-19 impact on Expected Credit Losses (ECL) and how they are helping banks in Europe respond to the current war in Ukraine.

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