Tax evasion control reviews

According to thew FIAU, tax crimes feature in the top 3 of suspected predicate offences with respect to suspicious reports received. Furthermore, 2 of 3 action points in the FATF’s Action Plan during Malta’s greylisting related to the enhancement of the analysis to tackle tax offences, and to increase the enforcement to detect and investigate cases in line with Malta’s ML risks relating to tax evasion.

While Malta has since been removed from the greylist, the country, being a financial services hub, is still prone to being used for tax evasion. Subject persons may also be used as conduits for tax evasion, and while the line between tax planning and tax evasion is not always clear, subject persons’ must ensure that they have the right control frameworks in place.  We offer:

  • Assessments on the control framework in mitigating ML risk exposure to tax crimes
  • Risk Assessment on ML risk exposure to Tax Crimes
  • Design of policies and procedures relating to controls countering ML risk exposure to Tax Crimes
  • Training

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