INVEST – Support for Initial Investment Projects

On the 22 January 2024, Malta Enterprise published a new set of guidelines for the INVEST (Support for Initial Investment Projects) Scheme, which measure will be open until 30 September 2026.

This measure is intended to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta by facilitating initial investments. Eligible investments must result in one of the following:

  • setting up of a new establishment 
  • extension of the capacity of an existing establishment
  • diversification of existing business
  • fundamental change in an overall process  
  • acquisition of assets of an establishment that would have closed down

Who is eligible for this scheme?

This incentive is open for small and medium-sized enterprise as well as Large enterprises operating from assisted areas and having an initial investment in a new economic activity.

There are other conditions which need to be satisfied and these include amongst others:

  • Applicants must operate from Malta and be incorporated in the European Union as a limited liability company, a partnership en nom collectif, en commandite (registered under Article 27(6) of the ITMA, or co-operative or similar set-up.
  • Applicants must not be defaulting on Income Tax, VAT and Social Security payments
  • Applicants must not be considered Undertakings in Difficulty

What industries are covered by this scheme?

This scheme targets specific sectors including amongst others Manufacturing, Information Technology, Computer Programming, Data processing, hosting facilities, Research & Development, Design and Innovation,  Pharmaceuticals, Life sciences, Waste treatment, Digital video games, human inpatient and/or day care services, Entertainment and Recreational Facilities, Restoration, Hotels and Guest Houses.

What costs are covered by this scheme?

Eligible costs include both tangible Assets like Lands, Buildings, Plant and Machinery & Equipment as well as intangible Assets such as patents, licences, know-how’s and other intellectual property.

How is assistance granted?

Assistance can provided in the form of Tax Credits, Cash Grants or Loan Interest Rate Subsidies. The intensity of aid is dependent on the size and location of the project ranging from 10% - 35%.

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