Gozo transport grant

The Gozo Transport Grant Scheme aims to support manufacturing undertakings operating from Gozo by reducing the additional inter-island transport costs incurred for transporting materials, goods and finished products between Malta and Gozo.

This scheme serves to reduce the cost-disadvantages for manufacturers based in Gozo by addressing the additional costs incurred when competing with Malta-based undertakings and thus also rendering these businesses in a better position to compete effectively within the single market.

Who is eligible for this scheme?

Eligible applicants include those meeting the following criteria:

  • They are engaged in Manufacturing activities operating from Gozo.
  • They are registered as a  partnership en nom collectif, en commandite or a limited liability company, co-operative or similar set-up.
  • They are not excluded from receiving de minimis aid;
  • They are compliant in respect to income tax, VAT and Social Security payments

How is assistance granted?

Assistance is granted in the form of a cash grant.

What costs are eligible under this scheme?

The following costs are eligible under this scheme:

  • Transport Expenses incurred using owned or leased commercial vehicles

Assistance under this type of costs will be calculated on the basis of the number of trips which shall be established by taking into account the number of ferry tickets submitted and shall include additional operating costs incurred due to being based and operating from Gozo. The grant per trip shall be based on the vehicle utilised which shall be determined from the ticket presented as per the below table:

  • Subcontracted Haulage Expenses

This includes Subcontracted haulage expenses (including ferry costs) for shipment of goods between Malta and Gozo are eligible for a refund of 100% of the invoiced value excluding VAT. Invoices shall be deemed as eligible if accompanied by a bill of lading or a clear description of the items transported.

  • Courier Services

This includes Subcontracted Courier Services are eligible for a refund of seventy percent (70%) of the invoiced value excluding VAT. Courier services shall be deemed as eligible if the invoice provided clearly

How does one apply for this scheme?

An online application form needs to be submitted. This needs to be accompanied by a number of supporting documentation including the following:

For expenditure related to ferry crossing using owned or leased commercial vehicles, the application should include:

i. The original ferry tickets for each eligible transit between Gozo and Malta.

ii. VAT receipts covering the ferry tickets submitted.

iii. A copy of the logbook of any owned or leased commercial vehicle used to transport goods between Gozo and Malta.

iv. A copy of the lease agreement covering leased commercial vehicles used to transport goods between Gozo and Malta.

For subcontracted Haulage Expenses and Courier Service, the application should include the original fiscal invoices (or a copy of the same documents certified as “True Copies of Original” by the warranted accountant or auditor or a Malta Enterprise representative), as issued by the service provider. The Corporation shall consider as eligible only invoices/receipts which include:

i. The name and details of the supplier.

ii. The date of supply.

iii. A clear description of the item/s transport / bill of lading and pick-up/drop-off location.

iv. The VAT numbers of both the suppliers and applicant

When is the deadline to apply for such scheme?

For costs incurred in 2023 , the deadline has been extended to 27th September 2024.

For costs incurred in 2024, the deadline is 31st July 2025

If you require further guidance or details in relation to this process, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may assist you.

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