5 tips for better cyber security in the workplace

The temptation to cut corners where correct cyber security practices are concerned should be avoided at all costs.

The implementation of information security in the workplace requires the active collaboration of employees who are fully aware of their responsibility and sufficiently trained, to protect information privacy and confidentiality.

Here you can find some useful tips on how you can improve cyber security in your workplace:

1. Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information

Don’t respond to emails or phone calls requesting confidential company information. You should always keep in mind that the bad guys are successful because they are convincing. Always be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to your direct superior or to management.

2. Don’t use an unprotected computer

Whenever you access sensitive information from a non-secure computer, you will be putting the information you’re viewing at risk. Malicious software exists that allows people to snoop on what you’re doing online when accessing unprotected sites. If you’re unsure as to whether the computer you’re using is safe, don’t use it to access corporate or sensitive data.

3. Lock your computer and mobile phone when not in use

Always lock your computer and mobile phone when you’re not using them. You work on important and sensitive data and you need to make sure they stay safe and secure. Locking these devices keeps both your personal information and the company’s data and contacts safe from prying eyes.

 4. Use caution when dealing with suspicious emails and links

Hackers try to steal email lists from companies all the time. Company email addresses are valuable to people like these, since they allow them to create fake emails which give the impression of originating from ‘real people’. Always delete suspicious emails from people you don't know and never click on the links. Opening these emails or clicking on links in them can compromise your computer without you ever knowing it.

5. Don’t install unauthorized programmes on your work computer

Malicious applications often pose as legitimate programmes, such as games, tools, or even antivirus software. They aim to fool you into infecting your computer or network. If you would like to download an application which you think  will be useful, contact your IT support team for assistance.

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