IFRS for financial instruments
The Forvis Mazars Insight series on IFRS aim at helping preparers, users and auditors of financial statements develop their theoretical and practical understanding of IFRSs. Our objective is to provide our readers, whether beginners or experts, with useful tools which provide clarity and insight on the challenging issues that may be encountered when applying IFRSs. Concepts are explained in a pedagogical way and illustrated by numerous practical examples.
The IFRS Insight addresses the accounting for financial instruments under IFRS.
After a two-pager providing an overview of IFRS requirements for financial instruments in 10 key points, each chapter starts with a detailed table of content to direct readers straight to the topic they are searching for. Many cross references have been inserted for improved reading experience. We draw specific attention to chapter 2 which comprises the definitions and the list of abbreviations and acronyms used in this manual (please note that chapters 3, 5, 10, 11, 12 and 15 will be added at a later stage).