Thought leadership

You will find here studies, insights, and surveys edited by Forvis Mazars.

Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Financial institutions increasingly recognise that climate change and other environmental, social and corporate governance risks jeopardise the world’s economy and financial system.

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Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing

China’s consumer market, second only to the US, is key to both domestic and international brands. While the buying behaviours of consumers in China have been well-documented, more recent shifts in consumer preferences in the wake of Covid-19 are less well-known. Our new study ‘Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing’ seeks to investigate trends in buying behaviour that show a shift away from material goods towards more experiential spending.

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A practical guide for boards and leadership teams on sustainability

With societal expectations increasingly permeating corporate governance, companies need to evolve their business models to embrace lasting value creation that benefits not only the shareholders, but also internal and external stakeholders as well as wider society.

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Podcast: Let’s talk sustainability

'Let’s talk sustainability' is the Mazars podcast series that explores the evolving sustainability landscape for business. In each episode, we hear from experts on a range of environmental, social and governance issues, as they share best practices for building solid sustainability strategies and identify varied and valuable opportunities for business.

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Effective strategy and planning support for businesses

Effective strategy and planning form the building blocks of every business. However, it is often one of the top challenges that leaders face. Failure to optimise your business can lead to a decrease in both the bottom line and value potential.

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How advanced are you on your sustainability journey?

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues rise in global importance and increasingly dominate the business narrative, the Mazars report 'ESG: where are you on the journey?' sets out choices and pathways for companies of all sizes and sectors as they look to embark on the transition to a more sustainable business model.

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The race to data maturity

Businesses understand they need to leverage data to stay competitive and unlock future growth. All over the world,
they’re devoting significant executive time and betting big on new technologies to gain a competitive advantage. But do they have the data maturity to reach their objectives?

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A practical guide for boards and leadership teams on sustainability

With societal expectations increasingly permeating corporate governance, companies need to evolve their business models to embrace lasting value creation that benefits not only the shareholders, but also internal and external stakeholders as well as wider society.

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