Social Measures

The Malta Budget 2023 included a number of Social Measures.
  • The Minister announced the extension of free medical treatment in certain areas such as diabetics, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and other types of treatment.
  • Free transport promised in the 2022 Budget was implemented in October 2022. The Minister also noted that further enforcement on Maltese roads is expected.
  • The Minister announced the introduction of a service pension applicable to widowers of officials within the disciplinary forces who passed away either before the lapse of the 25 years of service or during the period between close of service and retirement age.
  • The COLA increase for 2023 shall be granted to all employees and those receiving social benefits
    and shall amount to €9.90. COLA increase for pensioners shall be €12.50. The Minister also
    announced that the method for calculating COLA increase for the more vulnerable shall be
    amended in the coming year. 
  • The children’s allowances shall be increased by €90 per child in 2023.
  • The Carers’ grant, given to parents who are caring for their children with special needs and cannot go to work, will be increased to €4,500 per year.
  • The Minister announced a number of further social measures covering pensioners’ bonuses and widows’ pensions.

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