Capital Projects

The Minister noted that further investments in the country’s infrastructure will be entered into.

These include investment in land reclamation, investment in allowing merchant vessels to connect to the national grid and thus be in a position to keep their engines off resulting in reducing air pollution around the harbour area as well as:

a. An investment shall be made in the Pinto and Lascaris Wharfs to allow for the berthing of larger ships.

b. A €60 million fund has been allocated to Gozo’s Sustainable Urban Development. The Minister noted that the Government shall be determining where these funds will be used in 2023.

  • The Minister noted that the Government has signed a contract for works to commence on the Ferry terminal in Bugibba. Moreover, a request for proposals for a similar investment in Marsamxett shall be issued in the coming months.
  • Further studies on the development of a Rural Airfield in Gozo have been undertaken.
  • The Minister announced that a study has been completed whereby a second interconnector between Malta and Sicily shall be laid. The Budget allocation for this investment is €160 million.

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