Made simple by Forvis Mazars: Workshop series

We are delighted to announce the launch of a series of workshops under the “Made Simple by Forvis Mazars” banner.

The workshops are a series of complimentary initiatives covering a range of corporate, financial and fiscal issues specifically targeted to owner managed businesses.  

The workshops are a series of complimentary initiatives covering a range of corporate, financial and fiscal issues specifically targeted to owner managed businesses.  

The objective of these sessions is to provide a deeper insight and understanding of challenges and issues that businesses encounter throughout the corporate life cycle in a practical, easy and understandable manner.

The workshop series will cover a variety of topics including business planning; financing your business operation; tax planning considerations; understanding your VAT obligations;  managing IT risks; succession planning and preparing your business for sale. The sessions will be delivered by experts from within Forvis Mazars’ management team who, other than sharing their knowledge, will also be keen to share their practical experiences.

Other than providing an opportunity to sharpen your business skills, the series also importantly serves as an opportunity to network and engage with other owners and managers of businesses.

Our first seminar entitled “Your business vehicle: Making the right choice” will focus on analysing the main vehicles available for undertaking a commercial activity.

While focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of each vehicle, tax planning considerations shall also be discussed.  In doing so, the seminar will provide various practical considerations to assist you in determining your ideal choice of business vehicle.

Contact us for more information!

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