Banking Union & Basel 3 – Risk & Supervision 2017

ABI Annual Convention on Risks, Risk Management, Capital and European Supervision 14-15 June 2017, Rome.

Mazars sponsors the most important annual event in the Italian Banking Industry, run by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and dedicated to Risk Management, Capital and European Supervision.

The interactions between regulatory developments, risk management principles, tools and policies are getting more intensive.

The Convention provides a perfect occasion to look at these topics from different perspectives, by comparing the vision supervisors, managers, consultants and academics, both in plenary sessions, and in the open parallel sessions.

The opening plenary session, runby the ABI General Manager, Mr. Giovanni Sabatini, will be attended by Mr.Vitor Costâncio, Vice President of the European Central Bank, by Mr. Mario Nava, the Head of Financial Stability, Financial Services & Capital Markets Union at European Commission, by Mr.Fabio Panetta, Vice General Director of Bank of Italy, and by Mr.Rainer Masera, Head of Economics Department of the Guglielmo Marconi University.  

Mr. Renato Maino will provide the final speech, and the lecture speech will be assigned to Mr. Mark Carey from Federal Reserve.

Ten parallel sessions during the first day will be focused on the management of individual risks, while the second day will be dedicated to reporting.

The closing plenary session will have a deep dive on non-performing loans (NPLs) and possible internal, external and systemic solutions. Ms. Chiara Del Prete, the Banking Advisory Leader of Mazars Italy, will provide her view on NPLs Management.

Mrs. Lima Alexandrova, Senior Manager of Mazars Italy, will participate in one of the parallel sessions, dedicated to the Business Model Analysis, Risk Appetite and Recovery Planning.


Banks and Financial Services Companies

The event is addressed to the management of following areas: Credit, Finance, Corporate, Risk Management, Internal Audit, Sales, Investment Banking, Project Finance, Legal, IT Systems, Research, Marketing.L'evento di riferimento sul Risk Management, il capitale e la vigilanza europea. L'appuntamento da non perdere. 

Download now the .pdf program! 


Programma - Unione Bancaria e Basilea 3 - Risk & Supervision 2017